Matched Gifts


Make your gift go farther! These gifts are matched thanks to partners like Canadian Foodgrains Bank and the Government of Canada.

Garden tools

Garden tools

Your gift of garden tools like spades, rakes and hoes will help families grow gardens full of healthy food to eat and sell at the market. Farming tools for one family: $75

Crop know-how

Crop know-how

Give training to farmers so they can grow more food to feed themselves, their families and their communities. Suggested donation: $100



Hope grows from the smallest seeds! For people starting over after drought, disaster or war, seeds provide healthy food and the ability to earn an income. Seeds for two families: $50

Fight drought

Fight drought

In Ethiopia, drought has put farmers at risk of losing their livelihoods, with many forced to leave their homes. Your gift can give farmers hope through the construction of irrigation canals that will connect farmers’ fields to a steady water supply. Water access for one family: $250

Emergency food

Emergency food

Give life-saving food to a family in an emergency. When disaster, drought or famine strikes, your gift will allow our local partners to immediately get life-saving food to families facing severe malnutrition. Your gift will be matched 4:1! Food for one family: $20